Keep learning. Show up. Do the work. Finish strong.
With 20 years in the field, I eat, sleep, and breathe code. I know how to approach complex systems and build components that meet today’s demands. I am comfortable being both a leader and a follower.
In the end, it’s about people, communication, and relations - occasionally about technology.
All the projects I have on GitHub are for my personal educational purposes. That’s the usual disclaimer to say that they’re in development and even though I try to keep the main branch functional at all times, it may contain code that’s incomplete or wrong.
I’m working on the following projects:
- cl-braces implementation of a compiler and vm for golang inspired language - Common Lisp
- cl-braces.language the language implementation
- an intergrated environment to introspect the compilation process
- 1brc Solution for the 1 billion row challenge, to see if I can solve it in acceptible time in Common Lisp
- cl-dns Implement DNS in a weekend - Common Lisp
- agol Conway's game of life - Common Lisp
- braces a scheme compiler and virtual machine - Rust
I’m a backend guy and have worked on many services and platforms during my career.
I think it’s fair to say that I’m much better at building infrastructure, platforms and developer tooling, than user-facing products. As it’s quite common in our industry, I’ve gone into management, stayed there for a while, and circled back into an IC role. I have learned a ton in each of those areas and like to think that this made me overall well-rounded. I enjoy learning new things, and exploring new areas, which I can approach with a beginner's mindset. I found that this keeps me grounded, humble and engaged.
Head over to my CV for all the details, or look at my three most recent positions here:
- Senior Software Architect at New Work SE, supporting the cloud platform team.
- Tech Lead at Hive Technologies, supporting the delivery & end-customer experience team.
- Team Lead Architecture at New Work SE, leading the API platform team that built and operated the GraphQL platform.
I gave talks on various local meetups. In 2018 I gave a talk at the GraphQL EU on how my team built our GraphQL platform.